Women and Water Exhibit
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:45 PM - 1:25 PM

Speaker: Mary Burns

The Women and Water Exhibit celebrates and honors water by portraying women who work with it, protect it and advocate for it. Featured are women who are scientists, water-walkers, teachers, farmers, activists and healers, all who hold deep connections with water. This globally-inspired exhibit is intended to help strengthen our ties with water and inspire actions to further protect our waters.

Handwoven jacquard portraits of these women from the exhibit include: Grandmother Josephine Mandamin, Water Walker, Canada; Rachel Carson, marine biologist, USA; Aunofo Havea, sea captain, Kingdom of Tonga; Tawera Tahuri, Water Guardian, New Zealand; Marjory Stoneman Douglas, journalist, environmentalist USA; Dr. Sylvia Earle, marine biologist, USA; Emily Stanley and Carol Warden, scientists, USA; Monica Lewis-Patrick, fresh water advocate, USA.

The intersection of art and science is one way to communicate scientific and cultural wisdom. “Art and science are each sublime activities of the human mind.” Chet Raymo.